News - EP&T Global

Empowering the UK's Net-Zero Ambitions with EP&T Global Expertise

Written by EPT Global | Dec 14, 2023 7:58:39 AM

The UK Government’s real estate, boasting over 13,900 buildings, has a clear strategy: reaching a 75% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2037. As the world seeks to minimize sustainability concerns, EP&T Global stands at the forefront of revolutionising energy efficiency.

Our vast experience managing over 7 million square meters of floor space across five continents has yielded an average energy saving of 21% for our clientele. In the context of government buildings, this could translate to a significant reduction in CO2 emissions. Imagine the scale of positive change we can drive together!

Our proprietary EDGE cloud platform collects and analyses BMS and metering data identifying operational inefficiencies and providing accurate, actionable insights to deliver energy cost savings and GHG emissions reductions.


Join us in this journey towards a brighter, greener, and more sustainable future. Together, let's make the UK Government's net-zero pledge a reality!


Find our listing in the Crown Commercial Services (CCS) database here


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