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When you think of EP&T, what comes to mind might be cutting-edge software, precise data collection, and advanced analytics. While these tools are vital components, they're only part of the equation. The other? The passionate people behind the screens.

What makes us industry leaders:

  1. Design – It all starts with a plan. Our team determines what data is essential and from which sources, ensuring we capture the entire story.
  2. Aggregation – With our memory module in action, we aggregate vital data, which is then processed in our advanced EDGE platform. But data, on its own, is just numbers.
  3. Analysis – Here's where the human element becomes vital. Our technical services engineers go beyond analytics. Through regular interactions with stakeholders, they transform numbers into actionable insights.
  4. Action – Turning insights into real-world actions differentiates us. Our team not only highlights inefficiencies but also collaborates to implement practical solutions.

Ruaraidh Bellew, Head of Customer Delivery at EP&T, often says, "Data gives you the 'what', but humans give you the 'why' and 'how'. And that's what we do at EP&T – we bridge the gap between raw numbers and tangible results."

NABERS and EP&T: A Case in Efficiency

15 William Street is a testament to our team's dedication. Here, our team didn't merely detect an increase in consumption. They dug deeper, collaborating with the BMS team to pinpoint exact inefficiencies and implement fixes.

The result?

Almost 50% of the required energy savings to achieve their NABERs target rating of 5.5* for the building were achieved and efficiency in operational performance will continue to be monitored and maintained with our EDGE Analytics service. A true reflection of the value of the NABERS standard for commercial properties.

To find out more, please check back later in the week / on Monday where we will present further insights into the success from our passionate people behind the screens.

For more information please contact the team here