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Welcome to the transformation of specialist services delivery. 

Roles and responsibilities of building owners and facilities managers are ever evolving. More recently, the below outcomes are expected deliverables in today’s facilities: 

  • The reduction of utility costs
  • Minimising carbon footprints and accelerating their journey to net zero emissions
  • Elevating their building’s energy rating 
  • Maintaining high levels of tenant comfort 

All these point to a need for specialist services in Building Management Systems (BMS) and Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC). EP&T provides monitoring and analytics services that are an essential component to achieving the above outcomes. 

The benefits of monitoring and analytics are diverse. On top of the well-known benefits they provide, they also identify new areas of opportunity and enable vendors to add value to the services they are carrying out. 

HVAC and BMS – The benefits of a data-driven approach 

Planned and reactive maintenance for these two major services can be some of the highest outgoing costs for buildings. Works performed on HVAC and BMS can often be seen as “valueless”. They are also generally the hardest to understand when considering technical aspects of the services. Facilities teams can feel “locked in” to proprietary vendors and are generally not able to tailor planned maintenance solutions that will help them reach their targets. 

Whilst HVAC service provision is dictated primarily by compliance related tasks, BMS planned maintenance isn’t. BMS planned maintenance structures generally differ from vendor to vendor, where following standard “structured” planned maintenance practices almost always results in missed opportunities. In other words, assets serviced are generally operational and not in need of maintenance. When this happens, facilities teams can feel like there is a lack of value for the money they’ve outlaid. Embracing monitoring and analytics technology to restructure BMS planned maintenance changes that. No missed opportunities, so greater efficiencies and bigger savings. 

HVAC planned maintenance can also benefit from analytics and monitoring. Using analytics data to create innovative maintenance strategies in alignment with base schedules results in a data-driven maintenance approach, which almost always results in improved maintenance outcomes.  

The Impact of the EDGE Intelligent System 

Our EDGE platform easily identifies opportunities, allowing providers to target known issues that can generally be resolved under planned maintenance. This allows for a targeted approach – fix the issues that need attention and not the ones that don’t. Structure works to meet statutory maintenance requirements and capitalise on reduced outgoings. This is what you get with EP&T Global’s EDGE Intelligent System.  

Working Together 

At EP&T we believe that it’s not just technology that will get you there. Delivering truly successful outcomes depends on two things: 

  • Insights from an intelligent proprietary technology such as EDGE, and 
  • Authentic and transparent collaboration between our specialist services team, facilities managers, and their BMS/HVAC providers 

To find out how your property can make the most out of monitoring and analytics, talk to us today.

EP&T Global. Optimising buildings for a sustainable future.