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It’s a big week for the environment.

The BBC has reported that US President Joe Biden announced that we are in a “decisive decade” for tackling climate change.

Here in LondonPrime Minister Boris Johnson has recently made a legally binding pledge that will see the UK cut its emissions by 78 percent, compared with 1990 levels, by 2035.

This is an aggressive and world leading target. This is the urgency to combat the emergency. Front-loading these targets is a bold and necessary move. 

A growing list of governments, businesses, and individuals (even sceptics) are aligning with the science and the idea that the world is genuinely facing a climate emergency. And by ‘align’ we mean rising to meet the recommendations of a growing number of think-tanks and research institutes. The common message is “Aim high. Go Fast.” when it comes to emissions targets. In fact, this report by the climate council of Australia has that phrase as its title.  

NABERS UK is coming. The scheme will be administered by BRE and we are truly excited by the possibilities for our existing and emerging clients here, and not just because our Australian operations have such a long association with NABERS either. Our experience means we know a lot; have a read of this article to see some FAQs on NABERS, and our people are always on hand to help UK clients begin their NABERS journey. 

These are exciting times. There is momentum. We’re seeing the all the important pieces of the energy and emissions puzzle, Policy, Purpose, and Innovation come together to create a very positive image of the future. Almost every day, and certainly every week, there’s a new major announcement about the reduction of fossil fuel use, alternative energy sources, the discovery of better battery storage the list goes on. 

Every business with its eyes on the horizon of truly sustainable operations will be creating or advancing some form of Net Zero program. Appetite for environmental, social and governance (ESG) investing continues accelerate, with a particular focus on those companies that make a positive difference to carbon emissions reduction.  

As a building optimisation company with a global footprint, EP&T Global is obsessed with the ‘HOW’. We are determined to apply our knowledge, technologies and solutions in as many buildings as possible so that we all have a future.